Friday, April 22, 2016

They say that in life there are only two certainties you will pay taxes and you will Die. Obviously paying taxes is not a certainty not only do you have people trying to not pay taxes but you can live in places that do not have taxes.

So lets just say that if death and taxes are the only two certainties in life Then nothing in life is certain. Everyone seems to think and accept that death is a certainty. A natural part of life ironically. But does it have to be that way?

Many plants and animals seem to have longevity a sort of pseudo immortality. An informative to death and old age. And what is old age but you running out of cells thus weakening the different parts of the body and making them more accessible to breaking.

People always say that avoiding death is futile, that is a cowards prospective. We should not be blindingly accepting that death is enviable but working to fight against it and find a way to gain longevity and maybe immortality. At the most make it more likely and prove that it is not impossible. We just have to figure out a way to do it. We need to figure out a way that when death comes knocking at my door I do not want to greet him with a friendly hello but with bunch of bullets and forget you. 
Win losses
You know winning and losing doesn’t have to be what people think it is. Winning could be a whole spectrum of things. Victory could be completing a self-imposed challenge while losing could be not being able to do the self-imposed challenge.

 Speed runners are the master of this. They don’t just want to save the princes or the world, they want to do this as fast as possible. A speed runner, simply put is somebody who tries to complete a game as fast as possible. And a speed runner by definition is a player of a game who is trying win as fast as possible in whatever method or stipulation the speed runners want.  

Speed Runners will use methods that can take hours, days or even weeks to master but will only save a second of play time. Some may say this is absurd but the point of a speed run is not to beat the game quickly but to beat the game as quickly as possible. Doing all of these insane tricks is all part of the fun of speed running and that is what makes me respect speed runners. 

What am I afraid of?
I think in terms of phobias I have one of the strangest. I don’t even know what the term for it is. Sometimes I am afraid of being self-deluded. Typically, when I am empathizing with someone.
I often feel like I have to remind myself that I don’t have the problem myself.
Even when it is just their everyday stuff I feel the need to remind myself that I do not have their problems.

To be honest I almost delude myself sometimes. It could be because of my Autism but I am not sure. But I am not sure why I almost delude myself. I sometimes almost convince myself I am in a situation even when I am not. And maybe my problem is just a subconscious manifestation of how we empathize with people. Maybe my problem I am having, everyone has on a subconscious level. Perhaps this is how empathy works. We temporally trick ourselves into thinking we are in someone else’s situation while reminding ourselves we are not in the situation. Point is if somebody could read my mind while I listening to someone’s tragic back story I would look like a jerk.

Another fear I have is related to the future and my skill level.
You see in the future I want to write stories and I also like to see people review stuff especially of a story medium, like Anime stories, movies and extra. But sometimes when I see someone review something that is bad I sometimes fear I am going to make the same mistake that author of that bad piece of fiction made. It’s not necessarily the reticule, in fact I really don’t think that future reticule come into it that much. It is that when I write these stories I want to write I will do it badly and people will review and I will find out that I do suck. I do not care that I get criticized it is that I am afraid of being a bad writer.

I know that I am going to start out sucking and I am going to need to learn how to be a good author as I write experimental and get criticisms but I want to start out amazing right from the beginning again not to avoid criticism but just for the sake of being good.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

You asked me to prove I am not a robot.

But how can I prove I’m not a robot? How can I prove I am not a synthetic version? As understanding of the world progresses synthetic versions are able to do the somethings we can do. To the point that it is becoming progressively harder to tell them apart. As our ability to replicate synthetics gets better and better it will someday come a point when it will get harder and harder to tell the difference. To the point that the difference from a really thing and a synthetic will be almost impossible to disgust. For every aspect that makes us human an AI science could easily say just accept it or what’s that. They will be able in the future to create AI’s that are helpful, compassionate, determined, and creative. Even the fact that we do not crash is for a reason and when we figure out the reason then it is not too big of a leap to figure out how to recreate it.

And that is why I can’t prove why I am not a robot. I mean health? Can a robot not have hope? Be itself? Have ambitions, have dreams? Can a robot not care? Or its own autonomy beyond what we can tell it to do? Can’t a robot be just as passionate? Or just as sadistic as a human being? Can a robot feel generosity? Because once we figure out all these aspects and nuances in humans then we can figure out how to give them to a robot. How to give them a synthetic conciseness. And if we can’t do humans have real minds or could they be synthetic too.  
For the different blog I am going to post alternative lyrics for the song “All Star”. You probley know it from Shrek. I mean that is pretty different.

Somebody once told me I was really really special
I still don’t know the heck that means
He was looking kind of dumb in those black and white robs
And a lower case t in his right arm

Well are propose ani’t coming and wont start coming
Trying to pray but you scrape you knees kneeling
Never made sense looking for your Destiney
Your faith grows strong but your will grows weak
So much to do
So much to see
So what’s wrong with bring a glob
There are no goals so just go
There are no standards so just glow
Hey there all the determinists
You don’t understand what choice is
Hey there all the un-determinists
Free will makes no sense

Not all that glitters is gold
Only nihilist get the point

It is a cruel place and they say it gets crueler
You think you have problems
just look at the poor
but the Marist beg to differ
based off the Germany in the old tomes
our stones are getting kind of large
our house is made of glass
so you might as well leave
my life is void of meaning
how about yours
that’s the way I like it
and I never get board

Hey there all the determinists
You don’t understand what choice is
Hey there all the un-determinists
Free will makes no sense

Not all that glitters is gold
Only nihilist get the point

Hey there all the determinists
You don’t understand what choice is
Hey there all the un-determinists
Free will makes no sense

Not all that glitters is gold
Only nihilist get the point

somebody asked me if I could spare some change for a compass
The directions are useless
I said yes what a concept
I can use a campus myself
And we can all use a little change

Well are propose ani’t coming and wont start coming
Trying to pray but you scrape you knees kneeling
Never made sense looking for your Destiney
Your faith grows strong but your will grows weak
So much to do
So much to see
So what’s wrong with bring a glob
There are no goals so just go
There are no standards so just glow

Hey there all the determinists
You don’t understand what choice is
Hey there all the un-determinists
Free will makes no sense

Not all that glitters is gold
Only nihilist get the point

There are no goals
So just go
There are no standards so just glow

Hey there all the determinists
You don’t understand what choice is
Hey there all the un-determinists
Free will makes no sense

Not all that glitters is gold
Only nihilist get the point

I said Not all that glitters is gold
Only nihilist get the point


Monday, April 18, 2016

Imagination. Don’t we all have imaginations? Don’t you have an imagination? 
Pretty much the universal symbol of childhood innocence, creativity, and imagination.

Remember when you were creative?
Wait a minute why would you no longer be creative?

We use to use them to color in every color there was, back when we thought there were only 6 to 24 colors that actually mattered.

Ah yes childhood. Back when we could draw a square circle because we didn’t quite know what a square or circle was.

Ah yes childhood when a planet could be the size of a mouse, because we didn’t know what a planet was.

But the idea that bad people could do good things and good people could do bad things or that laws could be unjust, just didn’t seem possible to us.

Look truly that was a creative age. A creative dark age. Where we could almost make ourselves out to be a pseudo intelligent. Where we made a lot of things up and didn’t know a lot.

Ah yes, childhood, a time where we could make a lot of things but we couldn’t understand a lot of things.

There is nothing that can puzzle an adult as much as a good person doing evil things dose to a kid.

There is nothing like an adult that is as creative as a kid.

Being childlike is good, look as we grow up and mature we can’t think of come up with nearly as much nonsensical things as we did when we were a child. An adult can’t comprehend the idea that a shadow can exist in the darkness.

The reason people think we grow less creative as we grow older is because we gain more knowledge, because we learn to think sensibly, practically and logically.  

What a false a equivocation. Less logical  = more creative NO.

There are two different types of creativity. Creativity based off of wisdom and creativity based off of ignorance. Creativity can be logical or it can be nonsensical. So people think that we grow less creative when we get older because they think that creativity founded on ignorance is the only kind of creativity and needs to be based off of nonsensical thinking.

See as we grow older we have less of a base on ignorance to draw our creative from, but that is only because we built up a foundation of knowledge to base our creativity on. And we learn how unhelpful or even dangerous being nonsensical is. That is why we can be creative while still sticking to the logical.

Do you want to know what we call people who’s creativity is nonsensical and based off of ignorance?

That’s what we call them fools. 
Bricks they can have many uses. Some you have physical uses for, some good uses some bad uses. Some uses that make complete sense and some uses that are completely insane and make no sense and are against all the rules.
Here are a list of uses in no particular order other:
To build a house
As a means of self-defense
As a dishrag
As a washer
As a drying rack
As a way of cleaning your car
As a hammer
As a idol god
As a doll
As a way to communicate
As a center piece
As dominos
As cars
As a therapist
As a collectable item
As a game
As a chess pieces
As a figurine
As a means of holding solids
As a plate
As a bowl to eat cereal
As a painting
As a canvas
As a pencil
As a crayon
As an eraser
As a map
As a clock
As an article of clothing
As a bases of a number system

Those are all the helpful and useless uses for a brick, that I can think of at this current point. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

For years, decades, and centuries maybe even millennia people have phosphide over what love is. The thing about love is that there are many ideals behind it. Naturally something as important as love would be wondered about.  One common virtue in many cultures is unconditional love.
Many would say that “Real LOVE” is unconditional love. They would say that if you do not love someone unconditionally then you do not love them. They say that conditional love is “Fake LOVE”

You will hear them say love thy enemies, love thy enemies,
But why love thy enemies?
Because if “Real LOVE” is unconditional then to not love thy enemies would be hypocritical.

                                     Again I say Why?   
Why would someone want someone to love them unconditionally?

Because people have souls and they want love. And because they have souls there is no foundation for conditional love. But they still want love, heck they think they need it. They think it is required. They think it is necessary, And so in their minds they say they have souls and nothing intrinsically interesting, but they still deserve love. And it is easier to have a soul then to have something worth loving.

I love you unconditionally.

Isn’t that the biggest insult that people think is a compliment?

I love you for no reason at all.

I love you not for who you are but because you are a person and you exist.

How rude!

But in the end people consider unconditional love to be virtuous, because they want to be loved. But they do not want to be or do anything to earn it. And so they say they deserve it because they exist.

Do you want to know what I have to say about that? People do not deserve love, accept it. They believe they do not deserve “Fake LOVE” They think they couldn’t reach even the lowest of standers for “Fake LOVE”.

Many would call me a monster. They would say how can you say they are not deserving of love. Well how presumptuous. Face it people do not need love to live. You do not need to socialize. People have love because it is good. People want love because they think it is good. Because Love gives you great things. Because love make the world a better place.

But that is not what I am talking about. The thing I am talking about is, I am not contributing to unconditional love “Real LOVE” I am contributing to “Fake LOVE”

And now I take a stand. Give people “Fake LOVE”. I do not want “Real LOVE” 

I want love based off of who I am not based off of nothing.

If unconditional love is “Real LOVE” then I do not want “Real LOVE”. Then I want “Fake LOVE”. Love with substance. Love that is actually based on something.

I refuse to love someone off of no reason. I want to love people because they are good people.

So stop relying on “Real LOVE” and just become the best person you can be already.
There are many different kinds of hats. Some tall some short, some red, some blue, some green, so many hues and korma, some black, some white. Any hue or korma you can think of, in combination of primary colors you can think of. Top hats, bowler hats, cowboy hats, fedoras, many different hats.

People wear many different hats and different hats communicate different things based off of style and color and extra details. Wither it has a flower or a pin one rose or two,

People use different hats to express different things.

What do hats express?
Well what they really express is what you find extrinsically pleasing. Which might say something about your personality, over all or might in fact not.  It really doesn’t matter.

The fact that you threw on a hat may indicate that you really do not care.

May it indicate something or maybe it doesn’t it really doesn’t’ matter.

Really it’s just hats.
Just hats
Just hats
Hats are things

Can you use hats to symbolize someone’s personality? Probably.

Do hats look cool? Definitely!