Sunday, April 17, 2016

There are many different kinds of hats. Some tall some short, some red, some blue, some green, so many hues and korma, some black, some white. Any hue or korma you can think of, in combination of primary colors you can think of. Top hats, bowler hats, cowboy hats, fedoras, many different hats.

People wear many different hats and different hats communicate different things based off of style and color and extra details. Wither it has a flower or a pin one rose or two,

People use different hats to express different things.

What do hats express?
Well what they really express is what you find extrinsically pleasing. Which might say something about your personality, over all or might in fact not.  It really doesn’t matter.

The fact that you threw on a hat may indicate that you really do not care.

May it indicate something or maybe it doesn’t it really doesn’t’ matter.

Really it’s just hats.
Just hats
Just hats
Hats are things

Can you use hats to symbolize someone’s personality? Probably.

Do hats look cool? Definitely!

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