Saturday, May 21, 2016

Anything else?
By Michael Johannes Erick Erwin Paul “Ariesstotle ““zero up” Kindt

For this journal I would l like to clear some stuff up.

 First of all, sorry I said anti-feminist poem. I was kind in the moment and got out of line. I was thinking of a kind of slam poem I would want to do contrasting the feminist and anti-feminist movements and I didn’t express myself well so I am sorry.

I see myself as an anti-feminist because I believe in the equality of men and women or any other sex that people identify themselves with. I believe feminist isn’t really about any of that and I believe feminist movement is about spreading false rumors and harmful myths. And if anything the feminist movement is about the superiority of women over men, which I obviously do not believe in. So that is why I am anti-feminist so pretty much I am anti-feminist because I believe the feminist movement is operating under the false belief system.

Second of all I think some of my journal entry are incomplete, but I am going to leave them incomplete since I have to record them as dictate them to my mom. So for now the first draft, no matter how rough they may be, will just have to be the final draft.

Third off when I came in here I thought I was going to be able to tell more stories. I wasn’t able to tell more stories so yah.

Fourthly I think is it kind of weird how the part of doing poem video I am most interested in is using Microsoft paint and animation program to make a video.

Any way that is all I had to say.     

I am just sitting here trying to recall thing I really can’t remember…

I remember in high school I had a lot of aids stating with a really terrible one.

I also remember swim team and gym were a pain and while I was in gym the only think of the whole time is how much I wanted to play D&D dungeons and dragons.

Also remember signing up for D&D and animi club. I also remember the 1st campaign I did in D&D it was fun. I remember we had members in the group and we had to steal the money from an alien and I was able to steal the money not with baron but with pure wit. My mom was there. My mom has been there with me throughout high school once we find out how bad my 1st aid was.

I also remember some of my teachers being really good like Mr. Nelson. I also remember taking reading and how frustrating it was and how she was trying to get me to read fast before I had a good idea of how to read in the first place.

I also remember how I got to know a lot of books before I could even read. I remember how good “Speak” and “The Alchemist” were, how boring “How to Kill a Mocking Bird” was. I also remember taking interest in “Monster” and how in my reading class she made us read a book called “Tiger” which was about a true story, the problem was I could not tell which character was which and who was talking at which time. All I can say is it was really terrible.

But in the end I really do not have a very strong opinion of high school in general. For most of the time my experience was pretty neutral. I mean I had some pretty boring classes but I never found a personal problem with the school or the classes. I never formed a strong bond with the school because forming a strong bond would be pointless. Arbitrary I shouldn’t form a strong bond. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blue Ticket
The word of the day is…
One thing about deserts they all have sand. But what a lot of people do not know that a desert is defined not only by its sand but it is measured by it moister content. Though I think you can have a frozen desert but I am not sure about that. Many cowboys live in the deserts. They had bowed legs and cowboy hats.

They say in deserts that they have mirages but I haven’t seen a mirage before. Or may I have but haven’t recognized it as such because my definition a mirage comes from pop culture idea of a mirage.

You know that I am pretty sure that desert levels are pretty popular in video gamer. Perhaps that is because that sort of because of the sand and rock.

I wonder in places were the desert is hot and rocky do the languages have a word for snow? Probley not since people only come up with words that they see or can conceive of. In places where there has never been snow there would be no reason for people to come up with a frozen water that falls from the sky. I would assume they would have a word for rain since it doses rain in the deserts so maybe they would have a word that combined the word rain and frozen to come up with a word for snow. But would they have a word for freezing since it is so hot there?

Of course I know that the high deserts do have snow I am just talking about long ago in the sever deserts.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


If my heart could talk to it would say:

Heart: “Why don’t you listen to me?”
Me: “I do listen to you.”
Heart: “Then why don’t you believe everything I say?”
Me: “I listen most of what you say.”
Heart: Would then list all the things I don’t listen to and blather on and on about this and that.
Me: “I didn’t believe those things because you were wrong about those things.”
Heart: “Let me guess, because the brain said it was wrong?”
Me: “No because the brain brought up points.”
Heart: “Why do you always believe your brain over me?”
Me: “I know my brain is wrong sometimes but have you noticed that the things I believe my brain over you on are on the state of reality.”
Heart: “OK I will give you that. But you also believe it on how the world works.”
Me: “Yes because you are not very good at how the world works.”
Heart: “But why don’t you believe me about the world?”
Me: “Because you are wrong most the time in those matters. Look I know you are good at what you are good at, but my brain is also good at what it is good at.”
Heart: “Well what do you think I am good at?”
Me: “You are good at motivation, helping me stay principled. While my brain is good at guiding, defining and improving, validating feelings and principals and desires. You are good at making them. If I care about anything it comes from you guided by my brain.”
Heart: “OH OK I guess that’s fair.”

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Big Reveal


It is me Michael, Michael Ariesstotle Kindt. I am many things, there are many interesting things about me. But one of them is I cannot read or write and because I can’t read or write I have to record myself saying the things I want to be in the blog and then my mom has to listen to it so she can write it down. I often times come up with it as I am recording it so my mom has to make some editorial notations as she is transcribing. That doesn’t make it less real. It just means somebody else has taken my words and then type them out and then worked with me to refine them to have the things I want so that I can post them. There are other things I can say but I am not very concerned about telling you other thing now, because I think it would be in a very complicated way that I say it so I will just let my blog speak to who I am.