Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blue Ticket
The word of the day is…
One thing about deserts they all have sand. But what a lot of people do not know that a desert is defined not only by its sand but it is measured by it moister content. Though I think you can have a frozen desert but I am not sure about that. Many cowboys live in the deserts. They had bowed legs and cowboy hats.

They say in deserts that they have mirages but I haven’t seen a mirage before. Or may I have but haven’t recognized it as such because my definition a mirage comes from pop culture idea of a mirage.

You know that I am pretty sure that desert levels are pretty popular in video gamer. Perhaps that is because that sort of because of the sand and rock.

I wonder in places were the desert is hot and rocky do the languages have a word for snow? Probley not since people only come up with words that they see or can conceive of. In places where there has never been snow there would be no reason for people to come up with a frozen water that falls from the sky. I would assume they would have a word for rain since it doses rain in the deserts so maybe they would have a word that combined the word rain and frozen to come up with a word for snow. But would they have a word for freezing since it is so hot there?

Of course I know that the high deserts do have snow I am just talking about long ago in the sever deserts.

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